New volume available!

The editorial team of Hispanic Culture Review is pleased to announce that the Fall 2010-Spring 2011 volume of the bilingual journal is available starting today in George Mason University’s (GMU) Student Media office. The academic magazine is free for GMU’s students. Readers can purchase the journal for $7 by writing to or
Subscriptions orders can also be addressed to:
Hispanic Culture Review
Student Media Office
The Hub, Room 1232
4400 University Dr., MS 2C5
Fairfax, Virginia  22030

We want to thank all the authors that contributed with a variety of poems and essays for the celebration of our twentieth anniversary.

The Fall 2010-Spring 2011 volume features:


Homenaje a niños uruguayos
Ana M. Alvarado Hernández
George Mason University, Virginia

Rodrigo y Carmen G. quemados vivos
Ana M. Alvarado Hernández
George Mason University, Virginia

Daniel Aristi

Melissa Castillo-Garsow
Fordham University, New York

De la simple existencia
Pedro Gandía

Pedro Gandía

Too late to contemplate rebirth
Paula Hayes Vasquez
Strayer University, Tennessee

Gilberto Hernández

El grito
Matilde Humar Brezauscek

Segunda Carta a Eugenio María de Hostos
Mayra Vargas-Rodríguez
University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras


The last of the great wetback poets
Fernando A. Flores


Expresiones de la marginalidad: de las novelas picarescas a
Barrio de Fernando León de Aranoa

Mónica Camazón Mediavilla
George Mason University, Virginia

El sujeto fronterizo en La frontera de cristal de Carlos

Miguel Santos González
George Mason University, Virginia

Paradigmas del “performance” gastronómico en “Marina y
su olor” de Mayra Santos-Febres

María Inés Ortiz Medina
University of Cincinnati, Ohio

Welcome to Hispanic Culture Review

¡Bienvenidos! Hispanic Culture Review is a bilingual journal published yearly by students of George Mason University that embraces the multiple facets of Hispanic culture. HCR’s latest edition presents a variety of poems, narratives, essays, and photographs that crosses all borders. From poems that takes us from Africa to the Sonoran desert and from articles that address the pícaro in the sixteenth century literature to the twentieth century plays, this collection has a lot to offer.

Soon we will publish the articles that are featured on the volume XVI of our printed journal.

Also, you are welcome to contribute with your work in this blog.