Concurso literario y fotográfico de Hispanic Culture Review – 2023-2024

¡Hacia Delante! 

Café recién hecho en la mañana acompañado de pan dulce. Las canciones que cantamos en el coche. Los bailes tradicionales de las Quinceañeras. Las comidas en las que laboramos durante horas. Por muchos siglos, nuestro pueblo ha avanzado, expandiendo nuestra cultura y raíces a nuevos lugares, persiguiendo un futuro mejor. Y a medida que avanzamos llevamos nuestra cultura con nosotros dondequiera que vayamos. Cuando viajamos, perseveramos y nunca olvidamos lo que es nuestro y de donde venimos. Eso nos mantiene vivos y nos empuja hacia ese futuro que anhelamos. Por eso les proponemos: ¡Hacia delante!

Este año les pedimos que piensen en las siguientes preguntas: ¿Qué los mantiene avanzando? ¿Qué llevan consigo hacia el futuro? ¿Cómo celebran sus éxitos, sus sueños, su cultura? Pablo Neruda dijo: “Podrán cortar todas las flores pero no podrán detener la primavera”. Hemos demostrado que somos resilientes. Luchamos para mantenernos vivos, cuidar de los nuestros y amar.

¡Este año queremos centrarnos en lo que inspira esperanza y en lo que enciende el fuego que nos hace seguir adelante! ¡Hacia delante!

Se premiará 1 trabajo por cada categoría en 1) fotografía y artes visuales, 2) poesía y 3) narrativa, ensayo e investigación académica.

Los trabajos seleccionados serán publicados en nuestra revista y los ganadores recibirán un premio monetario de $100 y un diploma de reconocimiento, y serán anunciados por correo electrónico. Los premios serán entregados en la primavera del 2024.


Para que un trabajo se tome en consideración, deberá seguir estrictamente las siguientes especificaciones; en caso contrario, será eliminado:

  • Recibiremos hasta 2 trabajos escritos por autor, los cuales deberán enviarse en archivos separados. Los autores de fotografía y artes visuales podrán enviar hasta 6 obras.
  • Los escritos deberán presentarse en fuente Arial, de 12 puntos y los trabajos académicos y ensayos deberán guiarse por la edición más actualizada de los manuales de estilo MLA o APA.
  • Extensión máxima de los textos:

-Ensayos académicos e investigaciones: 3,000 palabras, incluyendo las notas de pie de página

-Narrativa: 2,500 palabras

-Poesía: 50 líneas.

  • Artes visuales: fotografía en formato JPEG, 300 pixeles por pulgada.
  • Solo se aceptarán trabajos inéditos, es decir, que no hayan sido publicados o estén pendientes  de revisión en otros medios, sean impresos o electrónicos, incluidos blogs literarios.
  • Se aceptarán trabajos escritos tanto en inglés como en español.
  • No existen restricciones de edad o nacionalidad para participar, excepto en el caso de que la persona tenga su residencia fiscal en alguno de los países sometidos a las sanciones del gobierno de Estados Unidos ya que sería imposible hacer llegar el premio monetario al ganador o ganadora.

Los trabajos seleccionados serán publicados tanto en la versión impresa como en la versión electrónica. HCR se reserva el derecho de publicar los trabajos exclusivamente en su versión digital.

Si desea obtener más información por favor, contáctenos:

Fecha límite de entrega: Miércoles 7 de febrero de 2024

Lea las pautas del concurso y envíe sus obras aquí

Hispanic Culture Review – Literary and Photographic Contest 2023-2024

Moving Forward! 

Fresh café in the morning accompanied by pan dulce. The songs we sing in the car. The traditional dances at Quinceañeras. The foods we labor over hours making. For centuries, our people have been moving forward, expanding our culture and roots to new places, and pursuing a brighter future. And as we move forward we carry our culture wherever we go. When we travel, we persevere, and we never forget what is ours and where we come from. It keeps us alive. This is why we propose the theme to be “¡Hacia delante!”. A phrase that means to move forward.

This year we ask that you think about the following questions: What keeps you moving forward? What do you carry with you going into the future? How do you celebrate your successes, your dreams, and your culture? Pablo Neruda once said, “You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep spring from coming.”  We have shown that we are resilient. We fight to stay alive, provide care, and love.

This year we want to focus on what inspires hope and on what sparks the fires that keep us moving forward! ¡Hacia delante!


1 work will be awarded in each category: 1) photography & visual arts, 2) poetry, and 3) narrative/essay/academic investigation.

The selected works will be published in our magazine, and winners will receive a monetary prize of $100 dollars and a certificate of recognition, and will be notified through email. Prizes will be issued in the Spring of 2024.


For a work to be considered, the following specifications must be followed; if the specifications are not followed, the work will be eliminated:

  • The maximum number of works per author is 2, which must be sent as separate files. Those submitting photography and visual arts works are allowed to send up to 6 works.
  • Written works must be written in Arial 12pt font.
  • Academic works and essays must follow the current MLA or APA formatting style.
  • Maximum length allowed for the texts:

-Academic essays and investigations: 3000 words (including footnotes).

-Narrative: 2500 words.

-Poetry: 50 lines maximum.

  • Visual Arts: photographs must be in JPEG format and 300 PPI.
  • Only unedited work will be accepted, which means works that have not been published before or are pending revision in other media. This includes printed and electronic work, as well as those included in literary blogs.
  • Works written in both English and Spanish will be accepted.
  • There are no age or nationality restrictions to participate, except in the case that the person has his/her fiscal residence in any of the countries subject to the sanctions of the United States government, since it would be impossible to send the monetary prize to the winner.

Selected works will be published in both the print and electronic versions of the HCR magazine. HCR reserves the right to publish the works exclusively in its digital version.

Contact us with questions at

Submission deadline: Wednesday, February 7th, 2024.

Complete guidelines and submit your works here

Hispanic Culture Review – Literary and Photographic Contest 2022-2023

celebrating our connections  

We live in a changing world where our experiences unite us and where resilience helps us overcome obstacles, transform ourselves, and give value to various markers of our identity. We are who we are by being in touch with those experiences and connections with our people. These connections that, without realizing it, are created from abuelita’s oven to conversations with strangers on the metro, help us forge permanent bonds in our lives. Wherever it is, we always look for that space where we can celebrate together our connections that tie us to the Hispanic experience.

As the Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano once said, “the best that the world has is in the many worlds that the world contains.” Therefore, this year we invite you to reflect on the following questions: How do you or your community celebrate these connections? How do you value those experiences with those people who leave a mark on your life?

1 work will be awarded in each category: 1) photography & visual arts, 2) poetry, and 3) narrative/essay/academic investigation.

The selected works will be published in our magazine, and winners will receive a monetary prize of $100 dollars and a certificate of recognition, and will be notified through email. Prizes will be issued in the Spring of 2023.

Guidelines for submitting works

For a work to be considered, the following specifications must be followed; if the specifications are not followed, the work will be eliminated:

  • The maximum number of works per author is 2, which must be sent as separate files. Those submitting photography and visual arts works are allowed to send up to 6 works.
  • Written works must be written in Arial 12pt font.
  • Academic works and essays must follow the current MLA or APA formatting style.
  • Maximum length allowed for the texts:

-Academic essays and investigations: 3000 words (including footnotes).

-Narrative: 2500 words.

-Poetry: 50 lines maximum.

  • Visual Arts: photographs must be in JPEG format and 300 PPI.
  • Only unedited work will be accepted, which means works that have not been published before or are pending revision in other media. This includes printed and electronic work, as well as those included in literary blogs.
  • Works written in both English and Spanish will be accepted.
  • There are no age or nationality restrictions to participate, except in the case that the person has his/her fiscal residence in any of the countries subject to the sanctions of the United States government, since it would be impossible to send the monetary prize to the winner.

Selected works will be published in both the print and electronic versions of the HCR magazine. HCR reserves the right to publish the works exclusively in its digital version.

Contact us with questions at

Submission deadline: Wednesday, February 1st, 2023

Complete guidelines and submit your works here.